There are three titles that can apply; Vajrayana, Vajra Vehicle, and Vajra Vehicle of the Result. They are the same and include two parts, method and results. Vehicle is the method and enlightenment is the result. This method brings the four purities: the enlightenment is the fruition of this purification. These are: complete purity of body, complete purity of place, complete purity of enjoyment, and complete purity of actions. These refer to complete purity of holy body, holy field, the holy enjoyment, and the holy actions.

This path to enlightenment is practiced through meditations called Creation and Completion.

When the teachings speak of “ the great illusory nature of samsara and nirvana”—one is introduced to the fact that Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are beings who have mastered illusory appearances. 

Phenomena display themselves like phantom apparitions, empty yet appearing. Understanding the manner in which the enlightened ones manifest helps to understand the illusory nature of all things within the worldly realms of samsara and nirvana.

The essence of mind is pointed out by these teachings as naked awareness, which actually refers to the unimpeded open transparency of the wisdom mind. While naked awareness is the nature of our minds, just having this nature is not enough; we need to actualize it for ourselves, within our own experience. It is for that purpose that we engage in the practice of Yidam Yoga. 

The Course Includes:

The retreat will include an introduction to the way to meditate that achieves the state of pure enlightenment:

  • We purify the place or field by visualizing it as the Mandala or pure realm of the deity.
  • We purify our body by visualizing ourselves in the aspect of the holy body of the deity.
  • We purify the enjoyments, such as material possession, transforming them into the form of pure offerings.
  • We purify our actions by meditating on them as the aspect of the holy actions of Lord Buddha.
Video Teachings

Each session is between 1.5 hours to 2 hours long and includes teaching, contemplation and meditation with Lama Pemba. Teachings can be watched at your own pace. It is recommended that you watch one video a week and then complete the practices over the week to integrate your understanding.

Class Notes

Detailed class notes may be provided so that you can gain deeper insight into what you learned in the class.

Class notes summarize the main points of the teachings and also provide clear instructions on meditation so you can have clear instructions on your


At the end of every lesson, you may find a quiz to reflect on what you learned and ensure you have understood the core concepts and teachings.


  Course Information
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Retreat Day One
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Retreat Day Two
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Retreat Day Three
Available in days
days after you enroll


This course is available in the sequence of courses making up the Lam Rim: Stages of the Path to Enlightenment as a Vajragarbha member.

If you are a Vajragarbha member, please remember to click the "Complete and Continue" button in each lesson so a certificate of completion will be issued when you finish a course and you'll be enrolled in the next course in the sequence.

About The Teacher

Lama Pemba spent the earlier part of his life in various communities around Colorado's Rocky Mountains. Lama Pemba developed a practice in the tradition of Zen Buddhism in 1999 while studying at the University of Art and Design in Kyoto Japan. During this period of his life, he co-founded a very successful garden design business in the Roaring Fork Valley. He continued his studies and was introduced to Tibetan Buddhism in 2001 thru Summit Dharma Center.

He finds the practice of mindfully centered awareness to be an amazing counter point to his former mode of being. As a gentle giant, Phillip glows with love and kindness and enjoys bringing joy to others as he is able. He recognizes the blessings of his life and his primary concern is to be of assistance to others.

His dedication has led him to do pilgrimages to the holy sites of Tibet, Bhutan, India and Thailand. He also completed several 10 day Vipasanna retreats and 30 day silent retreats before spending some 3 years primarily focused on deep retreat in Thailand and the Himalaya region. He owns Escape Garden Design Company in Aspen, Colorado.

Lama Pemba enjoys finding ways to apply the Buddha's teachings to everyday life. He has been married to his wife, Jill for over 40 years and has children and grandchildren; lovingly integrating his spiritual life with a householder's responsibilities. Phillip is known and well-received for his heartfelt presence and clear Dharma teaching, as well as a profound dedication to his practice.