The Potential of Awakening Lies In The Body

Rare teachings and meditations on the nature of the subtle body and subtle most nature of mind, the cause of delusion, what delusion creates, and how delusion is corrected. 

This 12 Week Course will offer Explanations and meditations will be offered of the Vajrayana niruttara tantras, with a special focus on the structure and functioning of the body. Just as sugatagarbha, or buddha nature, is the nature of our mind, the potential for awakening lies within our body.

The Mahayana literature refers to this pure potential as the evolving gotra, whereas the Vajrayana refers to it as the vajra body the subtle body of channels, winds, and bindus with six elements (earth, water, fire, wind, space, and wisdom-blissThe vajra body is not only our innate capacity, it is also our path. Understanding its components and properties is essential for most meditators.

Course Theme and Prerequisites

The overarching theme of this course is that we need to understand how buddha nature is present in sentient beings, those on the path, and Buddhas. All the details concerning the minds workings, the vajra body's structures, and the meditations, paths, and stages will reinforce that understanding and give us insight into how and why the Vajrayana path provides access to wisdom through the body.  The relationship of the subtle body to Thogal and Bardo visions of Clear Light Rigpa will also be explored. This is Part one of a two part twelve week series.

Prerequisites for the series are having received any of these: Dzogchen Thogal instruction and practicing, Highest Yoga Tantra empowerment, and/or practicing TsaLung Trulkhor and Tummo.

Course Schedule

The live course begins on March 7th 2023 - May 23, 2023. The course can be watched later at any time through recordings.

Live Classes will be offered on zoom every Tuesday from 4pm - 6pm PST.  

Class Video Recordings are available for viewing within 24 hours of the live class and will be available on Teachable, along with class notes.

Course Details:

 This 12 week course offers all class videos on demand and is a self-paced course. You can start any time and go at your own pace

 The course is comprised of 12 modules with 1 video sessions per module which is 2 hours long.

   Each session includes a guided practice for the week as well as Q&A

   Class notes and resources for further study are also included 

Enrollment and Course Pricing:

Please email [email protected] and share your meditation background and any highest Yoga Tantra empowerments received before receiving permission to enroll.

One Time Fee for Course Access



$149 a Month as A Member and access this course and all online courses.

Become a member at

If you are already a member a 100% discount code will be sent to to access the course free.

Five scholariships are available to those in Financial need. Please apply by emailing [email protected] and telling us about the reason you are unable to contribute at the above level, the amount that you can pay monthly and the number of volunteer hours you can offer to us subsidize the course fee. Please be advised that we receive many applications for this program and please only apply if you truly cannot support these teachings at the requested level. We ask each applicant to take a clear and honest look at their finances and where these teachings are prioritized in terms of importance and value. 

About The Teacher

Lama Michael is a former Buddhist Monk, Teacher and Executive Director of Vajragharba Dzogchen Teachings. Lama Michael has shared that there can never be enough gratitude to repay the debt of kindness that others have shown [him], in particular the XIV Dalai Lama, the XVII Karmapa--Orgyen Trinley Dorje, Gyaltsab Rinpoche, Bokar Rinpoche, Thrangu Rinpoche, HH Dodrupchen Rinpoche and Penor Rinpoche who have offered the empowerment cycles of Rinchen Terzo and Dam Ngak Dzod. Lama Michael’s direct, powerful and often humorous teaching style is clean and insightful and makes ancient buddhist teachings crystal clear and accessible to a western audience. 

For more than twenty-five years Lama Michael has joyfully instructed a continuous stream of educated and experienced practitioners of all levels and backgrounds in Thailand, India, Hong Kong, Europe and the United States. He has led hundreds of meditation retreats on almost every subject matter related to Buddhism, in addition to leading meditative pilgrimages throughout Thailand, Tibet, Bhutan, Nepal, and India. Michael currently directs the practicing and teaching schedule at Vajragharba and is the Three Year Retreat Master for our current retreat in Southern California. Lama Michael leads a vibrant local and international online and in person community of practitioners.

Class 1: An Introduction to The Profound Inner Meaning and Bodhicitta

  Module 1
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 2
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 3
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 4
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 5
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 6
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 7
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 8
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 9
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 10
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 11
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 12
Available in days
days after you enroll


This course is available in the sequence of courses making up the Lam Rim: Stages of the Path to Enlightenment as a Vajragarbha member.

If you are a Vajragarbha member, please remember to click the "Complete and Continue" button in each lesson so a certificate of completion will be issued when you finish a course and you'll be enrolled in the next course in the sequence.